Latest news

New operating rules for the vehicle fleet

22.02.2024 -

There are new operating rules for the vehicle fleet of the university. They regulate, among other things, the driving of company vehicles, their use, the transportation of persons in them, what to do in the event of accidents, the performance of technical inspections, the application for and return of vehicles. You can find the complete vehicle fleet operating regulations in the university's public announcements in German.

Accepted to the Microtec Academy

19.02.2024 -

Our university has been accepted into the Microtec Academy. This makes it an official location of this federally funded, supra-regional and inter-company vocational training academy for micro- and nanotechnologies in Saxony-Anhalt. In future, OVGU will participate in the development of new, contemporary personnel development modules in micro- and nanotechnologies within this framework.

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Elected to the DFG Review Board

08.01.2024 -

Eight researchers from our university were elected to the review board of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the end of last year. For the next four years, the eight researchers will review and evaluate funding proposals in their respective subject areas and formulate recommendations for the DFG's committees. At the same time, the review board members advise the DFG on the further development and design of its funding instruments. (more in Geman)

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New stories from the campus

20.12.2023 -

The campus magazine uni:report has been published in printed form for the last time. The anniversary issue in the 30th year of the university's existence is all about change and new perspectives - such as the conversion of the library, our involvement in the EU GREEN university network and the implementation of our energy concept. Anyone who has not yet received a copy in their in-house mail can pick up a copy from the Press Office in Building 18, Room 132, from January 2, 2024 or browse through the online edition (in German).

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Statutes for safeguarding good scientific practice

07.12.2023 -

The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science is inextricably linked to the responsibility to comply with the principles of good scientific practice. Science itself ensures good scientific practice through honest thought and action, not least through organizational and procedural regulations. For this reason, OVGU has drawn up a "Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice". These regulations are legally binding for all persons engaged in research or research support at OVGU.

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Strong partners for 50 years

28.07.2023 -

For 50 years, the sports science departments of the Czech University of Brno and our university have been linked by a close partnership. At a symposium, the cooperation partners looked back on joint research successes, continuing education programs and student exchanges. But they also ventured a look into the near future of the cooperation.

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Honorary doctorate for services to Bulgarian higher education

27.06.2023 -

Prof. Dr. Evangelos Tsotsas, Chair of Thermal Process Engineering, has been awarded an honorary doctorate and the university's chain of honor by the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria, for his services to Bulgarian higher education and German-Bulgarian cooperation in education and science.

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Company contacts turned off in Zoom

05.06.2023 -

For data protection reasons, the display of company contacts in the Zoom app was switched off as of May 31, 2023. Therefore, contacts can no longer be retrieved from this list to immediately start a chat or add someone to a conference. However, this is still possible via direct entry of the mail address.
Your own contact list is not affected by the shutdown. For quick access in Zoom, the required contacts can also be stored there.

Deutschlandticket as Jobticket?

10.05.2023 -

The state of Saxony-Anhalt does not provide a subsidy on the Deutschlandticket. Thus, this is not provided as a job ticket and a reduction in the cost of the Deutschlandticket is not possible. Further information on the Jobticket. (in German)

New Staff Council

04.05.2023 -

The OVGU Staff Council has reorganised itself following the retirement of its chairperson, Dr Ursula Föllner. Dr. Andreas Drust from the Faculty of Medicine was elected as the new chairperson of the staff council.

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Last Modification: 03.03.2025 - Contact Person: